Dachiu Dragons - Currently Available # 1 - 17

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** The price gradient in our available leatherback dragons is due to the extreme difference in quality of some leatherbacks. In general, low expression (or somewhat bumpy) leatherbacks tend to reproduce more of the same, although there may be a few that are smoother than the parent. Several other co-factors may contribute to the smoothness of the offspring. But in general, better quality (a more uniform, smaller scale size throughout the body with minimum or no raised scales) leatherbacks tend to reproduce more of themselves - thus commanding a higher price.

1. Double Het Leatherback X Cawley/Belgium/Blood/SandFire (Het Trans) -
6 Inch Probable Female. ( Translucent / 50% Possible Het Hypo / Leatherback) ...$225.00

2. Double Het Leatherback X Cawley/Belgium/Blood/SandFire (Het Trans) -
6 Inch Male. ( 66% Probable Het Translucent / 50% Possible Het Hypo ) ...$85.00

3. Double Het Leatherback X Cawley/Belgium/Blood/SandFire (Het Trans) -
6 Inch Male. ( Translucent / 50% Possible Het Hypo ) ...$150.00

4. Double Het Leatherback X Cawley/Belgium/Blood/SandFire (Het Trans) -
6 Inch Female. ( 66% Probable Het Translucent / 50% Possible Het Hypo / Leatherback) ...$85.00

5. HypoTranslucent Leatherback X Belgium Hypomelanistic (Het Trans) -
6-7 Inch Female. ( Hypomelanistic ) ...$85.00

6. HypoTranslucent Leatherback X Belgium Hypomelanistic (Het Trans) -
6-7 Inch Probable Female. ( Hypomelanistic ) ...$85.00

7. HypoTranslucent Leatherback X Belgium Hypomelanistic (Het Trans) -
6-7 Inch Female. ( 66% Probable Het Translucent / Hypo / Leatherback ) ...$85.00

8. HypoTranslucent Leatherback X Belgium Hypomelanistic (Het Trans) -
7-8 Inch Male. ( HypoTranslucent / Leatherback) ...$175.00

9. HypoTranslucent Leatherback X Cawley/Belgium/Blood/SandFire (Double Het) -
6-7 Inch Male. ( Hypo / Het Translucent /Leatherback ) ...$90.00

10. Double Het Leatherback X Cawley/Belgium/Blood/SandFire (Het Trans) -
6 Inch Male. ( Double Het ) ...$65.00

11. Double Het Leatherback X Cawley/Belgium/Blood/SandFire (Het Trans) -
6 Inch Male. ( 66% Probable Het Translucent / Hypo ) ...$75.00

12. Red Hypomelanistic -
15 Inch Female. ...$300.00

13. Red Translucent -
5 Inch Female. ...$50.00

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